What is the Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS)?

The Dynamic Small Business Search (DSBS) is a database that government agencies and prime vendors use to identify small business contractors for upcoming contracts. Small businesses can also use DSBS to find other small businesses to work with. SBA maintains the DSBS database and is responsible for reporting your set-aside verifications to the system. Your DSBS profile will be checked by the government at the time of award to verify your set-asides.


What is Automatically Visible?

DSBS pulls information from the System for Award Management (SAM) as it pertains to your NAICS codes, point of contact information, website, size standards, and credit card acceptance. Upon registering in SAM, your profile will be visible though there are additional manual entries you will need to execute to be competitive.

From the Small Business Administration (SBA), it pulls in your certifications and corresponding dates.


What Do Small Businesses Need to Update Manually?

The most important areas, which are by default left blank upon registration, are as follows:

  1. Capability Narrative – This is more or less your “elevator pitch”. Type 2-3 sentences about your business, your core competencies, and what you do well.
  2. Keywords – These are pertinent to your visibility and exposure. The keywords entered work very much like a Google search when it comes to your showing up in a search. Be sure to perform market research and capture the terminology used by the government in your industry, then add those terms to the keywords section of your DSBS profile.
  3. Owners – First name, last name, and title.
  4. Capability Statement URL: This can be the URL of the landing page on your website or a self-hosted public link (Google Drive, OneDrive, etc.)
  5. Percentage of Business Types – Manufacturing, Construction, Services, and/or Research & Development
  6. References – These could be government agencies, they could be prime contractors, or even another commercial company you’ve worked with. Leaving it blank will give the impression that nobody is willing to vouch for the value and quality you are providing.


How Do You Update DSBS?

We created a video that walks you through the manual update. You’ll need to access your DSBS profile via the new Connect SBA system, as there is no longer a button to access through SAM and the General Login System (GLS) has sunset. Your APEX (formerly PTAC) Counselor can assist by providing guidance as well, in this area.

If this isn’t something you have time or energy to do yourself, be advised that your profile maintenance (including SAM and DSBS) is covered under our monthly support program or as a stand-alone item. 

Last Updated: 1/8/25