Aesthetic Capability Statements that Fit Your Brand
Break free from the mold of generic capability statements that barely scratch the surface of what you offer. The challenge of articulating your value to government prospects can be daunting, especially when you’re handed a one-size-fits-all document that locks you in.
At Duwel Dev, we champion the essence of customization coupled with the liberty to edit. Our suite of capability statement solutions is tailored to echo your company’s distinct brand identity, designed not just for the present but to evolve with your burgeoning enterprise. Our offerings span a spectrum from DIY templates for the hands-on enthusiasts, to comprehensive content assistance for those seeking a meticulous conveyance of value to government buyers and targeted prime contractors. Your narrative is unique, and our capability statement solutions are the bridge to ensuring your government clientele and prime contractors perceive the full spectrum of value you bring to the table.
Dive in, explore the diverse options we have curated to make your interaction with government markets anything but mundane. Your journey towards a compelling, custom-tailored capability statement begins here.
Get Help with Custom Options
Browse our custom capability statement offerings to discover the one that’s right for you, depending on how much assistance you need – our team is here to provide 1:1 and hands-on assistance to help you stand out.

Custom Statement with Copy Assistance
We’ll turn your content into an editable, fully-customized capability statement with design elements that match your brand. This package also comes with copywriting and strategic sales assistance so your business makes a great first impression with government buyers and prime contractors. Delivered in PDF, with an editable template link.
Custom Design Only
Does your design team use Canva? We’ll create a Canva template for your capability statement that you can edit as many times as you want. You submit content and branding to us as you would like it to appear and we do the rest! Delivered in PDF, with an editable template link.
Present It with a Pitch Deck
Check out how we can turn your capability statement into an engaging presentation.
Pitch Deck – 5 Minutes
You’ll receive a quick, five-minute presentation that you can export as a PowerPoint.
Pitch Deck – 12 Minutes
This option provides a longer, more in-depth presentation that you can edit yourself!
Custom Presentation Support
We’ll help you organize content from your capability statement into a thorough presentation. Includes 1:1 support, multiple iterations, without limitation on number of slides or length of time.
Or Do-It-Yourself with a Template
Your Content, Our Customizable Designs
GovConHacks offers fully-customizable templates to help you craft an engaging, professional capability statement. Our templates are a huge time-saver, which allows you and the team to focus on attracting leads. Send us your content, and we’ll take it from there.
The capability statement represents your company. You should have the freedom to change it however you want. Once we finish your capability statement, we’ll send it to you as an editable PDF. From there, you get to play with the design until it aligns with your company’s marketing.
Reach Out for Strategic Assistance
Need help deciding which option is right for you? Tell us how we can help!

Here’s What Customers are Saying

Download Duwel Dev's Capability Statement
Want to look at an example? You can download ours for free. It’ll give you some ideas on how to format an effective capability statement. Plus, our capability statement has all the relevant sections you need to satisfy federal government agencies.